
On October 23 in 2019, A delegation from ChulabhornRoyal A-Cademy in Thailand visited our college.


The delegation was led by Professor iraporm Laothamtas, Dean of the College of Health Science and Technology, and accompanied by a specialist from the Bangkok Innovation Cooperation Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Sao zhen Zheng, Director of Oncology Department of our hospital, Ping Dong, Wei Gong, deputy director of general surgery Department and representatives of functional departments attended this meeting. During the meeting, Chulabhorn Royal College of Thailand introduced the medical situation in Thailand and shared the latest clinical progress and academic achievements in oncology treatment in Thailand with experts from both sides of the conference to discuss treatment differences in this field and exchange clinical experience and scientific research progress. After the discussion and exchange, the delegation went to the high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment room of the hospital to visit, observe the HIFU treatment process on the spot, and conduct extensive exchanges and reach a common establishment on HFU treatment technology, especially in the application of malignant tumors, hoping that the two sides will strengthen cooperation and exchanges in related fields.

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